Monday, November 9, 2009

todays & tomorrows

I am reminded tonight that life is not made up of hopes and tomorrows, but of minute-by-minute choices.

I am planner at heart, an "I'll start next Monday" person. Next Monday I'll start waking up 6am. Next Monday I'll start jogging 5 days a week. Next Monday I'll begin to talk more and be less shy. Next Monday I won't be so selfish. Next Monday I'll spend more time in prayer. Next Monday I'll make more time to pursue creative skills. Next Monday I'll start blogging regularly. Next Monday I won't leave my statistics homework until 10pm.

I like fresh beginnings, schedules, and to-do lists.

But I am reminded tonight that if I keep putting off my goals until the opportune time to pursue them, life will escape me. I must live today.

This minute provides me with choices. I can spend this minute in prayer or I can spend this minute reading a random person's blog. I can choose this minute to head down to the basement and go jogging on the treadmill or I can choose this minute to browse around Facebook. I can spend this minute finishing up the last chapter of The Weight of Glory or I can spend this minute making another to-do list for tomorrow.

I won't magically wake up next Monday morning and be the person I want to be.

Becoming the person that I want to be, desire to be, and was created to be means making decisions right now. This minute. I have been given these 60 seconds in front of me. How will I choose to use them?

Let not your longing slay your appetite for living. (Jim Elliot)

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. (Matthew 6:34)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and excellent post, Jessina! Any new photo shoots lately?

    Miss you!

